You don’t always have to accept your flaws and imperfections if you don’t want to. If you’re not happy with your smile, change it. It’s that’s simple. All it takes is a quick visit to the best cosmetic dentist in Orlando. When your dissatisfaction comes from the color, shape, or size of your teeth, the answer to these problems is porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers can dramatically change your smile. These veneers are strong and durable, but they can get damaged if you don’t care for them. What can destroy your veneers?

best cosmetic dentist orlando shows patient's smile with veneers

What Factors Contribute to Veneer Damage?


Did you know that bruxism can easily destroy your veneers? Don’t be too confident that veneers have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years because if you continue to grind and clench your teeth, you’re likely to experience veneer failure. One of the causes of bruxism is TMJ. To stop teeth grinding, you should have your TMJ treated. You may also wear bite guards to prevent premature wear and tear.


Porcelain veneers are extremely strong, and yet despite their strength, veneers are still capable of breaking. If you use your teeth to cut plastic packages, chew on ice, or trim your fingernails, it wouldn’t take long before your veneers get chipped or broken.

Grainy Toothpaste

Veneers are designed to resist stains. The protective layer that coats these shells prevent liquids from sticking to the veneers. Sadly, if veneers are exposed to anything abrasive, they will quickly wear away. One of the things that cause veneer wear and tear is abrasive whitening toothpaste. When choosing a toothpaste brand, make sure you select the low-abrasive type.

best cosmetic dentist orlando inspects patient's new veneers

Are You Looking for the Best Cosmetic Dentist in Orlando?

If you want to keep your beautiful smile for a long time, learn to care for your veneers well. At Altamonte Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide a wide array of personalized treatment plans to help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. We are confident that our services will satisfy you with our cutting-edge technology and up-to-date modern dentistry techniques. Fill out our form to schedule an appointment.

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